
Friday, February 18, 2011

Highs And Lows

It has been quite a week all in all, with highs and lows all the way through. Monday 14th was Valentines day of course, and I spent the day shopping (all morning) and baking (all afternoon). I asked my Mum to come over and amuse the little guy while I did the baking. Its not something I have ever done before, but I figured a bit of help wouldn't go amiss. I cooked up a storm in the afternoon so that I could relax with my husband at night, which thankfully I managed. In amongst all of the cakes I found time to make a gorgeous casserole (beef, sherry and orange).
Tuesday 15th was the little guys 2nd birthday. He had a marvelous day with lots of presents and fun with Daddy in the morning (my husband always has the day off on our birthdays), and a little toddler tea party in the afternoon. The party was a rabble of course, but the kids enjoyed it and that's all that matters. I had made far too much food as usual and we will be eating cake for days (until it goes off). Since the littlie is obsessed with witches I decided to make his cake myself this year in the shape of a witches hat. Considering I have never made a birthday cake before I think it turned out pretty well (if very very sweet), everyone said they liked it.
And that was the highs. On Wednesday morning the little guy woke with a fever and an almighty cold. I was worried enough to scoot him along to the Doctors surgery at 9am, but thankfully it was nothing more sinister that a cold and a virus mixed in together. He has been so ill for the past three days its been awful. His little eyes are so heavy its making my eyes water to look at them. He hasnt figured out 'how' to blow his nose yet, so I am constantly chasing him with a tissue. Then there is the cough and the fever, its been one heck of a week. Thank goodness its Friday. Roll on the weekend, my darling other half will be home and we can all smooch up and keep cosy.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.


  1. i love the layout of your blog, photos are lovely! The cake looks yummy and hooray for the weekend!!!!

  2. Thank you Grace, and yeah, Hooray for the weekend lol
